Volunteer With Us
Shamayita Math is a platform of the universal ideology based on the philosophy of Self awakening. The diversified humanitarian activities have attracted many souls from different corners of the world to come, visit and volunteer in different units.
In the year 2010 Bente Hagelund a Danish lady visited Shamayita Math along with her 19 years old daughter Lise Hagelund and spent some days in Shamayita Math. That was the beginning.
Deeply influenced by the selfless work of Math and the universal ideology of Revered Prabhuji, Bente became a good friend of Shamayita Math and played the role of a gateway for many Danish friends.
Anna Mia & Soren from Denmark both spent 6 months in Shamayita Math and Anna Mia being a student of Anthropology did her research work on ‘Impact of educationoin the students of Shamayita Convent school’.
Bente started to involve more number of Danish people from her country and helped the education program for the underprivileged tribal children through donations collected from various people of Denmark. Later on ‘Friends of Shamayita Math’ a Danish organization was formed by her for supporting different activities of Shamayita Math. Bjorne and Signe are good friends of the organization and have visited Math several times.
Recently, in March 2018, Eva, a textile designer, along with her husband Anders spend one month in Math. Eva’s area of interest was to skill enhancement in embroidery among the underprivileged women. She has taken an attempt to find a market for the hand embroidered bags and purse in Denmark.
Ryan Slyzuk an adventurer, truth seeking young guy from Windsor, Canada came to Math in 2014 and spent two and half months in the campus. His quest for knowing self and at the same time teaching Social Science in Shamayita Convent School gave him a new dimension in life. Later on Ryan came two times in Math and spent his days in attaining peace of mind.
The youngest volunteer till date is Manuela Riberio an 18-year-old girl from Spain who visited Math on the recommendation of his friend Amador Ordonez. Manuela just finished her school and spent one month in Shamayita Math in the year 2015.
In 2018, a Danish couple, Eva and Anders, spent a month in Shamayita Math along with their little son, Abel. Eva, a textile designer found immense joy in working with the rural women receiving training from Shamayita Math in hand embroidery. Going back to Denmark, Eva is developing a market in Denmark for the hand embroidered purse and embroidered cotton bags prepared by the women.
More number of persons are there who have volunteered in Shamayita Math.