United Bank Shamayita Math Rural Development & Self Employment Training Institute (UBSMRUDSETI) , established in the year 2008 is an organization of Shamayita Math in collaboration with United Bank of India (UBI), NABARD, which provides support to rural youth to be a successful entrepreneur through short term training courses and long term hand holding support.
It offers more than 61 number of Entrepreneurship skill Development Training (SDI & EDPs) in various streams, aligned with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF). The Annual Action Plan is approved by DLRAC (District Level RSETI Advisory Committee), WBSRLM and MoRD.
The aims and objectives of the organization.
To identity, orient, motivate, train and assist the rural youth to take up self employment.
To promote rural entrepreneurship by providing intensive short term residential training programmes with free food and accommodation to rural youth for taking up self-employment and skill up gradation.
To enhance the effectiveness of poverty alleviation and Self Employment Programmes of the government and Banks.
To facilitate credit linkage with Banks for ensuring sustainability of Micro Enterprises set up the rural youth.
Types of training during the current year is shown below:
Agri. EDPs

Product EDPs

Process EDPs

General EDPs
Achievements during the year 2016-17 & 2017-18:
Particulars |
Candidates Trained |
2016-17 | 2017-18 | |
Candidates trained (in 2016-17) |
Number of Batches: 31 |
Number of Batches: 30 |
No of Candidates settled |
517 (63.74%) | 465 (63.18%) |
With Bank Finance |
310 | 174 |
With own funds |
207 | 259 |
Wage employed |
– | 32 |
Total No of candidates trained |
8513 | 9259 |
No of Candidates settled |
5828 (68.46%) | 6293 (67.96%) |
Training Calendar for the year 2018-19:

Programme under Project LIFE-MGNREGA: RUDSETI also implemented the project – “Livelihood in Full Employment” in which need based skill development training is provided to those who have completed 100days of employment. Objective is to promote self reliance & improve the skill base of the MGNREGA workers, thereby improving the livelihood of the workers and reducing their dependency on MGNREGA. Under LIFE MGNREGA, 226 trainees completed training after necessary counseling out of total 447 candidates mobilized after survey.
Please contact us at –
E-mail : ubsmrudseti@gmail.com
Contact No: 03241-265450 and 9531754412