Farm-Based Livelihood
Agriculture and allied activities support livelihoods of nearly 70 per cent of India’s rural population (Hiremath 2007).
To promote agriculture development, Central and state governments and funding agencies have designed and launched a number of initiatives including National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Agriculture Technology Management Agency (ATMA), National Programme for Organic Production (NPOP), National Innovations on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA), On Farm Water Management (OFWM) under National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), National Food Security Mission, and setting up of Small Farmers’ Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC).
However, climate changes, growing population pressure leading to fragmented land, improper agriculture practices, low return from investment, fast migration from agriculture land to wage earning is leading the world towards high vulnerability from the perspective of the future food demand and livelihood for future generation.
At Shamayita Math the objective to promote on-farm based livelihoods is to enhance the income of the farmer through nurture the mother earth, introduce region specific cultivation technology and creation of strong backward and forward linkages.
A. Shamayita Krishi Kendra
An inhouse unit for Seed Production and Research & Development.
Unit for seed production:
Shamayita Math has been working with farmers for past ten years on better agriculture through technology transfer through, quality seeds, better package of practice, etc. ‘Shreerohi seeds’ is a wing of Shamayita Krishi Kendra which manufactures quality seeds (Foundation, Certified and TL) through farmers’ participation (registered farmers under govt. seed certification dept.). This provides an additional source of livelihood for the farmers engaged in the seed production programme, as this a contract farming in which the farmer gets an assured market. At presents the program is spread over 25 villages across 4 blocks and involves 400 farmers.
Research & Development unit:
Major objective of Research and Development unit of Shamayita Krishikendra is to develop the agricultural sector under drought area of Bankura District providing new scientific technology through adaptive and need based location specific research for improvement of marginal and resource poor farmers.
Adaptive research:
In this R & D wing, testing of new technologies developed by Research Institutes or (Govt. or Non Govt. organization) by Krishi Kendra is done for development of agricultural sector before transfer to farmers field.
- Trial of new location specific aromatic and non-aromatic paddy varieties, pulses and oilseeds developed by Research institutes and others sectors to test before recommending to farmers for their suitability and value for use.
- Development of new paddy varieties in the Experimental farm of SKK and transfer to the farmers field to test its efficacy on field performance.
- Transfer of technologies of Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi, employing new varieties of cereals and vegetables to confirm its adaptability in farmers field and selection of proper crop varieties.
- Hybrid seed production of vegetables from new parent lines supplied by the Companies and transfer to farmers field for lucrative revenue regeneration.
Need-based research:
In this R & D wing, testing of new technologies developed by Research Institutes or (Govt. or Non Govt. organization) by Krishi Kendra is done for development of agricultural sector before transfer to farmers field.
- To carry out research relating to diagnosis and management of soil to prevent bacterial disease (Bacterial Wilt) invasion to the plant which is the major cause of reduction of crop yield.
- Development of new easy technique for checking or control of transmission of bacterial disease to the plants.
B. Technically Equipped Team
To support marginal and poor farmers to enhance productivity through quality seeds, crop planning and crop diversification, Improved paddy cultivation, vegetable cultivation, nutritional gardening through organic farming practices , quality nursery raising, net house cultivation etc.
C. Mobilization farmers group in institutions
Strengthening backward and forward linkages.