Shamayita Monodeep - School for the Differently-Abled
Shamayita Monodeep – the school for the Differently-abled is a unique venture of Shamayita Math in its service towards society. Shamayita Math is based on the principle of love, care and equality for all people across all section of the community.
At present, this school is working with few privileged children with an aim to change and shape their lives so that these kids can lead a dignified life on their own. Through humanitarian values, Shamayita Math spreads the message of love for these differently-abled children. Shamayita Math firmly believes that, given proper environment for their manifestation, these differently-abled children too can develop their inherent potentialities and be included into the mainstream of the society.
Matribedi Shamayita Monodeep wants a world in which the nature of autism and associated conditions , mental retardation are fully understood and people with these challenges have their needs recognized and supported, so that they can live their lives to their potential and enjoy the same rights and opportunities as everyone else, within a well informed and tolerant society. Inclusion into mainstream of the society through an access to a carefully done integration programme appropriate to their individual needs is the ultimate goal.
Special emphasis is given to the children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders as the need in the society is more in this category.
- To provide and develop a range of services for children and adults with autism, mental retardation, appropriate to their needs which are specialized, innovative, high quality and well resourced.
- To continually seek to improve and provide model of good practice which are internationally recognized.
It is achieved by:
- Directly providing education, care and support to children with autism and associated conditions, mental retardation in a fully integrated day care/ residential set up and advice, support and information to their families and carers.
- Raising professional and public awareness of the needs of people with autism and associated conditions, mental retardation and their families and carers.
Matribedi Shamayita Math ( Monodeep ) was founded on 17th January 2004. It is bordered by open countryside and located in the Shamayita Shikshangan, beside Shamayita Convent School on the bank of River Shali which is around 22kms from the township of Bankura. It is around 6kms from Gangajalghati and only a short walk from the small township of Amarkanan .
After running this institution for around 13 years in Amarkanan, a demand developed for such a school in Durgapur. An opportunity came when a premises was offered by the CSR department of Durgapur Steel Plant for developing a skill development centre for persons with autism. From 19th November 2016, Shamayita Monodeep started its new journey in Durgapur at DII/9 J.C. Bose Avenue, B-Zone, Durgapur - 713205.
The facility in Amarkanan is used as resource centre for the differently-abled children for the local population . This resource centre, is an intervention centre for the differently-abled, as well as a centre for providing knowledge and remedial steps for the differently-abled children. This resource centre is operational for 2 days in a week.
School Hours
The school hours are 4 hrs a day from 09-00am to 01-00 pm, 5 days a week from Wednesday to Sunday. Saturday and Sunday are treated as working days to encourage the parents to participate in the school curriculum. Monday and Tuesday are weekly holidays. Further special home based programs are provided to students staying in distant places as they cannot visit the school every day.
Admission Process & Procedure
At the time of admission a detail application form is required to be completed by the parents with the help of our staff. A proper assessment generally takes few days to weeks.
It is to be achieved by:
An IEP (Individual Educational Programme) is prepared for each student where the goal statement, technique or key strategies, name of IEP contributors, date introduced, date mastered are mentioned. An IEP is usually valid for three months. IEP contributors meet at regular interval, discuss the various developmental aspects on the child and decide on the next course of action. It is mandatory for every parent to participate in an IEP meeting.
Teaching Methodology
Aims and Objectives of the Program
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum so that these children too can develop their inherent potentialities and be included into the main stream of the society.
- To provide a quality 24-hours curriculum that supports the individuals in developing their optimum potential.
- To provide for each student a service based upon an individual education programme (IEP) that acknowledges and challenges the triad of impairment through a carefully done 24 hour curriculum.
- To provide an education that promotes and supports the development of independence, choice and self advocacy for the students.
- To arrange and organize debates, discussions, lectures and seminars to create an awareness on autism, mental retardation.
- To publish useful literatures, papers, magazines, books etc related to autism and associated conditions, mental retardation.
- To extend various types of help to persons with autism and associated conditions, mental retardation and their parents.
- To construct, maintain, develop any building, house or other works necessary for functioning of the organisation.
- To create confidence and hope among the families of differently-abled children and local population.
- To provide a total Communication environment that supports each students communication needs.
- To develop a centre of excellence through implementation of autism specific practice, research and adopting a multi-disciplinary approach that is informed by the principles of SPELL, TEACCH and PECS.
- To deliver a high quality service through a planned professional development programme, which utilizes both in-house and external training resources.
- To empower and encourage parental / guardian involvement in decision making processes that affect the child’s service provision.
- To monitor and strive for continuous improvement in Quality through regular self audit and service development planning.
Our approach is based on an understanding that our students are children first. They need to learn and should have the same opportunities and be provided with age-appropriate activities which are more motivating for the children, they need to be actively involved with their learning and tasks must match the individual child’s level of ability and be achievable.
Facilities Include
- 3 class rooms well equipped
- 1 room for occupational therapy
- Sensory integration
- Yoga
- Music
- Teaching Kitchen
- Dining room
- Outdoor play area
- Pre Vocational / Vocational training
- A range of computers and electronic aid
Practical Considerations
In planning and responding to lifetime needs of individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Mental Retardation, the following aspects are taken into consideration:
The world of a child with autism can be a confusing, perplexing and frightening place. One ‘golden rule’ is therefore to provide each student a regular, predictable, and structured learning environment. Helping the student to interpret their environment in ways that are meaningful to them, reduce levels of stress and anxiety therefore optimizing learning opportunities.
The following approach is undertaken as teaching aid for the child:
- Significantly reduce the level of language used in the classroom and rely on the visual cues to help them understand what is required of them.
- All teaching areas are organized with clearly designated areas for group work, independent work, play, and individual teaching.
- Some tasks are presented in a visual sequence e.g. brushing teeth, dressing etc. in order to promote independence rather than over reliance on constant verbal instruction.
- Our approach is based on an understanding that our students are children at the very onset. They need to learn and should have the same opportunities and be provided with age-appropriate activities which are more motivating for the children, they need to be actively involved with their learning and tasks must match the individual child’s level of ability and be achievable.
- Developing a service which fulfils the framework as defined in SPELL (Structure, Positive, Empathy, Low arousal, Links).
- Provide a Total Communication environment that supports each student’s communication needs.
Teaching Aids Used
Curriculum is formulated specifically to the needs of students with autism and associated conditions, mental retardation with particular emphasis, therefore, on communication, social skills and independent living. It is based on the aim towards integration into the mainstream school including Shamayita Convent School.
It is also recognized that the students who study at Monodeep arrive at different ages, with vastly different educational, social, and cultural backgrounds. The only common feature they share is that for a wide variety of reasons they need a safe and highly secured 365days placement.
A very high percentage of teaching time is devoted to the development of social, personal, self-help and leisure skills, which may be presented in a variety of formats. Skills such as learning to learn, appropriate behaviours and decision making may need to be taught in order to allow access to other areas of the curriculum.
The primary function of education is to draw out the child’s innate abilities. The secondary function is to increase knowledge of the child.
There is a third function of education - which is to remove blocks, not only to the education process but also to all of life. Our priority thus must be to identify blocks, give direction for overcoming them, and lay key foundation stones, which we would take for granted in the normal child, but which can be identified as missing in the autistic child. For this reason, in the programme which we have formulated, intervention is given priority over educational targets.
Students with autism may present idiosyncratic learning profiles, and that some may require access to basic skills at all stages of their school career.
Each student has an individual education programme (IEP) designed to meet his /her individual needs.
The curriculum at home concentrates on self help skills, leisure activities, and teaching for independence. It aims to reinforce school based learning in a more informal setting following the pattern and rhythm of the normal day. Wide use is made of public facilities.
Students follow individual time tables, “schedules”, which is a part of 24 hour curriculum to develop and learn social and leisure skills and to relax and have fun.
Continuous efforts are made to enhance the close liaison between school and home to ensure consistency and continuity.
Activities at Home
Cognitive follow up, participating in evening prayer, Interactive indoor / outdoor games such as carom, badminton etc., cooking, gardening, general household activities for daily living, marketing, practicing special abilities like singing, playing musical instruments, dancing, painting, drawing, TV watching.
Sex Education
It covers the general areas of self awareness, personal growth and relation ship under specific headings:
Growth – physical changes
Body awareness
Emotional awareness
If questions/issues on sexual matter arise, teachers will answer them in a straight forward way, and parents will be informed.
One of the aims of Monodeep is for students to be fit and healthy as we can reasonably ensure. It is widely recognized that students with autism benefit from physical exercise in that it helps to reduce levels of hyperactivity and anxiety. Our resources include a small gym which can accommodate a full size trampoline, flexible and varied gym apparatus, one hard play area, a specially designed adventure playground and running track.
It is run on similar lines to a book lending library. Large range of play and leisure equipment can be borrowed on short term loan to encourage and enhance skills at home involving other family members.
Moral Education
Emphasis is laid across the curriculum on helping students to become aware of other people and their needs, to build relationships based on mutual respect and trust, to look at the world about them, and thus come indirectly to an awareness and perhaps an understanding of spiritual and moral values.
Concepts such as birth, death, family life are addressed in an appropriate way for students to understand through stories, drama activities. People’s achievements are celebrated in school assembly.
Collective worship encourages peoples to recognize and celebrate the festivals of all major faiths.
Home School Relationship
Parents are kept fully informed about everything that goes on in school. Parents are encouraged to spend some time observing or working along with teaching staff in the class room.
Home visits are arranged by the facilitators of the school at regular intervals to ensure that the specifically designed curriculum in the home set up is followed.
The school believes in the right of it’s students to be treated as any other children in the society with dignity and respect.
It believes in a strong partnership with parents. No one knows a child better than the parents and guardians who have cared for that individual from birth.
It believes that structure, positive intervention, generalization, concentration on real life situation rather than abstract concepts achieve the best results from students with autism.
It believes that compassion, tolerance and positive intervention affect change.
Contact Us
We would love to hear from you.
Registered Office:
Matribedi Shamayita Math
c/o, Shamayita Math
P.O. Amarkanan, Ranbahal
Dist. Bankura, Pincode: 722133
West Bengal, INDIA
9830420549 / 7001089004 / 9830063065
School Address:
Matribedi Shamayita Math
D2/9 J.C. Bose Avenue, B Zone
Durgapur, Pincode: 713205
West Bengal, INDIA
9830063065 / 8972655144 / 9830031344