Shamayita Convent School
Shamayita Convent School an English medium school as English is the most widely accepted and used language in the world today. The installation of Western mode of thinking and adopting scientific methods of imparting education in this native village is really unique.
It is located in the lap of nature, open to the sky, surrounded by a rivulet Sali towards North and lush green paddy fields in the south, with hillock Koro in the East and Susunia Hills in the West.
The vision is to build an institution that will transform girl children in the villages into self-reliant women who will make a mark in their lives.
The school has more than 1000 students. Boys section included upto Class VII.
20% of the students are from underprivileged section of the society and are provided education free of cost.
The school is developed on a campus of four acres – has a playgroud, Vijayini hostel for girls coming from distant places, teachers’ residence
It has all the modern facilities – computer laboratories, science laboratories for senior students, composite laboratory for middle school, Geography and Mathematics laboratories, sports room and smart classrooms with WiFi connectivity.
New campus being developed on 16 acres of land adjacent to the existing school for accommodating Boys’ school building, students‘ and teachers’ hostel and playground. There are plans for developing college in future.
The aims and objectives of the school.
To develop the inner traits, aptitudes and potentialities of every student so that she can fight, tackle and overcome all the odds that come in her way of life.
To arouse the spirit of sisterhood and motherhood in the students and help them to develop into an ideal woman, and be established in the society with self reliance.
To groom a girl into a personality enriched with honesty, integrity, eternal values, eternal consciousness, apart from academics and co-curricular activities.
To make a village girl fundamentally self respected and self reliant and help them to walk in the vast world premises with equal confidence with those from urban areas.
• Foundation by Sri Sri Prabhuji on 18th July,1996.
• A CBSE affiliated 10+2 English medium school having Science and Humanities streams.
• Majority of the students are from middle class and lower middle class families.
Inspiration for achievers:
Kriti Ashirwad : An award for the achievers of Shamayita Convent School who score 80% and above in the CBSE board examination (Xth and X+2 level) receive ‘Kriti Ashirwad’ award from Revered Sri Sri Prabhuji. On an auspicious evening the selected students receive His divine blessings for his/her journey as a student towards a successful career. This was started in the year 2012.During 2015, 7 students of Class X and 3 students of Class XII, during 2016, 15 students of Class X and 6 students of Class-XII and in 2017, 17 students of Class-X and 6 students of Class XII received Kriti Ashirwad award.
Grant support by: Asha for education, contributing a part of the expenses for 13 number of tribal students staying in the hostel.