Childline 1098
CHILDLINE is a 24 hour emergency outreach service for children in need of care and protection in India. Any child/concerned adult can dial 1098 to access this service.
The XIth 5 year plan of Government of India which introduced the comprehensive Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) had mandated that the CHILDLINE service must be available in each one of India’s district. To meet that mandate, the Ministry of Women and Child Development support CHILDLINE under (ICPS).
Target Group
CHILDLINE works with marginalised children in various cities & districts. This includes working with:
In Bankura district Shamayita Math is running CHILDLINE service since 2nd July 2014. The Math is playing its role as collaborative organization to promote CHILDLINE service at Bankura district. CHILDLINE Project office is based at Bankura town and covers the entire district.
Shamayita Math is dedicated to ensure and protect the children’s rights and extend support to all those children who are in need of care and protection in Bankura district through CHILDLINE -1098 service.
Major Activities
Call Received
During the year 2016 CHILDLINE Bankura received a large numbers of calls which are divided into 5 major categories; like intervention calls, follow-up calls, information calls, did not finds calls and others intervention calls. Statistics of call received are following:
Key achievements of 2016-17 FY
Year |
No. of Children |
2014-2015 |
3 |
2015-2016 | 13 |
2016-2017 | 0 |
2017-2018 | 4 |
Total no. of received calls | 20 |